Products & Services
Acrylic Painting
Glaze Painting
Commissions and Repairs
Choose from our selection of over 1,000 different ceramic pieces. All pieces are made with white earthenware and are bisque.
Our selection includes:
- dishes
- platters
- cookie jars
- animals
- garden statues
- vases, planters
- picture frames
- candle holders
- boxes
- banks
- Seasonal in stock year round!
- and more!
Acrylic Painting
Acrylic is a fun, easy to use stain that can be spray sealed and taken home the same day! There are many color options including metallics, opalesquescent, and matte. Great for animals and pieces for decorative indoor use.
Glaze Painting
Glazes are high gloss and are completely food safe, dishwasher safe, and microwaveable. Ideal for dishes, vases, planters and outdoor decorations. Expect 3-6 days for firing.
Service Cost
Repair: $25 per hour – Repair work is something that we offer on the side and can be done on most types of ceramic. Repair work is NOT FOOD SAFE OR WATER TIGHT. It is for cosmetic and sentimental purposes only. Due to staff schedual and customer traffic repair work may be dropped off throughout the year but may not be addressed until the month of spetember.
Commission: $20 per hour (plus cost of ceramic) Choose one of our pieces, or bring in your own and specify how you would like it painted. You can be as involved as you want in selecting colors and style, or leave it up to our professional artists to decide.
Since we do all firing on location, our kilns may be used for a small fee. All firing is done at cone 06 (approx 1800 degrees). We will fire molded greenware or any pieces that have already been fired once.